Protocol for getting media on website, social media accounts, or overhead for Sundays:
1. Create a dropbox account for yourself or login to your existing account.
2. Contact Aaron Deschane ( to get added to the appropriate shared folder on dropbox.
3. Upload desired media to the appropriate shared folder on dropbox.
The following conditions must be met to get media included on a Sunday service overhead projector file:
1. Media must be uploaded via dropbox (see info above) and received no later than noon Wednesday in order to make it onto the file for the following Sunday.
2. Photos must be in presentable condition with no need for editing or other corrections (improperly exposed photos cannot be used, photos that need rotated or corrected in any other way cannot be used, etc).
3. We cannot accept copyrighted media for obvious legal reasons. (The media must belong to you, i.e. photos, textual content, etc must be yours/created by you.)
4. If applicable, permission must be given by people in photos for those photos to be shared/displayed. This will need to be cleared via a signed release form.
5. Submit/upload up to 100 photos to be used for a slideshow on the overhead.
The following conditions must be met to get media included on our website or social media accounts:
1. Media must be uploaded via dropbox (see info above) as soon as possible in advance of any desired event, etc. A one-week lead time is requested for media that promotes any event or has any scheduled release date.
2. Photos must be in presentable condition with no need for editing or other corrections (improperly exposed photos cannot be used, photos that need rotated or corrected in any other way cannot be used, etc).
3. We cannot accept copyrighted media for obvious legal reasons. (The media must belong to you, i.e. photos, textual content, etc must be yours/created by you.)
4. Permission must be given for teens or children that appear in photos for those photos to be shared/displayed. This will need to be cleared via a signed release form. It is a courteous thing to make sure you have anyone’s permission to post their photo. We will not post any photos of teens or children without a signed release form from their parent(s) or guardian(s). For adults in photos, we will assume permission has been given by your submitting the photo.