May 22 2011 Grace And Mercy


1. Definitions of Grace and Mercy.

Mercy is not getting what we deserve.

What are some definitions of Grace:
G.R.A.C.E. God’s riches at Christ’s expense.
Unmerited favor.
Grace is getting what we do not deserve.

Ephesians 2:1-8
Acts 9:13
Acts 9:15

It is God’s Grace that saved Paul and it’s God’s grace that
saves us.

2. God’s Grace gives us the power to minister.

Acts 9:20–21
I John 3:15
I John 4:20
I Cor. 15:9-10

3. God’s grace gives us the ability to live an obedient life.

God’s Grace is the power of salvation, it is the power to be a minister of Christ and thirdly it is the power to live an obedient life.

How can God’s Grace be the power to lean an obedient life?

1. God’s Grace is amazing.
2. Develops a sense of gratitude, of thankfulness and a thorough understanding that a favor has been granted to them.
3. The Christian who operates under GRACE knows he is given the power to give God’s GRACE away.

Acts 16:25

When we give God’s Grace away souls are saved.

Acts 16:28
Acts 16:30