September 18 2016 How To Manage Life's Crises


How Do We Manage Life’s Crises?

I. Remember the variety of crises or storms we may face.

A. Crises can be of a situational nature.

Proverbs 1:27 – When calamity overtakes you like a storm.

B. Crises can be relational.

Psalm 102:7-9 – I have become like a bird alone on a house top, I lie awake all day long, my enemies taunt me, those who rail against me use my name as a curse.

C. Crises might be emotional.

Job 30:22 – You snatch me up and drive me before the wind, you toss me about in the storm.

II. Know the facts about crises or storms.

A. Storms are inevitable.

James 1:2 – When you face trials.

B. Crises are unpredictable.

Without warning a furious storm came up.

C. Crises are impartial.

Matthew 5:45 – He sent rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

III. There are two possible reactions.

A. I can be filled with panic.

Verse 25 – The disciples went and woke Him saying, “Lord save us, we’re going to drown.”

B. I can be filled with peace.

Verse 24b – But Jesus was sleeping.

IV. Let’s look at how to manage the crisis.

A. Remember God’s closeness.

1. Verse 23 – Then He (Jesus) got into the boat and His disciples followed Him.

2. Isaiah 43:1-2 – Fear not, for I have redeemed you.  I have called you by name, you are mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

LESSON #1 – When you’re in the crises, remember Jesus is with you.

B. Relax in God’s care.

1. Mark 4:38 – The disciples said to Him, “Teacher don’t you care if we drown?”

LESSON #2 – God cares about what you’re going through.

2. I Peter 5:7 – Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

C. Rely on God’s control.

1. Mark 4:39 – Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Be quiet! Be Still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
LESSON #3 – God is in control; you don’t have to be.

2. Jeremiah 32:17 – Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arms.  Nothing is too hard for you.


September 11 2016 Seeing Through The Eyes Of Faith


Numbers 13:17-33


I.    Notice what happens when we allow fear to dominate our lives.

A)    We misunderstand what God can do.

  1. Verses 28-29 – But the people who live there are powerful.  The cities are fortified and very large.  The Amalekites, the Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites (all giants) live there.
  • Lesson The longer you look at a problem, the bigger it gets.

B)    They underestimate what God can do.

  1. Verse 33 – We felt like grasshoppers before them, they were so tall.
  • Lesson: Problems rarely defeat us it’s our perspective that defeats.

C)    The results of fear:

  1. Discouragement.

a)    14:1 – Then all the people began weeping aloud and they carried on all night long.

       2. Discontented.

        a) 14:2 – Their voices rose in a great chorus of complaint against Moses and Aaron.

       3. There was a desire to return to the old.

       a)   14:3 – Let’s get out of here and return to Egypt, they shouted.

II.    We need to see what happens when faith dominates our life.

       A)   Verse 30 – But Caleb reassured the people as they stood before Moses, “Let us go       up at once and possess it,” he said, “for we are well able to conquer it.”

  1. Ephesians 1:18
  2. Examples of Spiritual sight.

Genesis 21 – Hagar

Luke 24 – Disciples on Emmaus Road

2 Kings – Elisha’s servant

Genesis 13 – Abraham
3.    Spiritual eyes see opportunities, not obstacles.

III. We see the decision of the future here.

A)    Kadesh means place of decision.

CONCLUSION: Moses could lead the people to Kadesh, but he couldn’t make the decision for them.

He didn’t bring us out this far to bring us back again.
He brought us out to bring us into the Promised Land.
He didn’t bring us out this far to bring us back again.
He brought us out to bring us into the Promised Land.
Though there be giants in the land,
We will not be afraid.
He brought us out to bring us into the Promised Land.

September 4 2016 When Only A Miracle Will Do


A Time To Build

1. Admit we have a need.

Mark 6:34-37 - When Jesus saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them, so He began teaching them.  By this time it was late in the day, so His disciple came and said, ‘This is a remote place. Send the people away so they can go and buy something to eat.’  But Jesus answered, ‘You give them something to eat!’ They said, ‘That would take eight months of a man’s wages!’

2.  Assess our ability.

Mark 6:38 - How many loaves do you have? Jesus asked, ‘Go and see.’  When thy found out, they said, ‘Five small loaves of bread and two fish.’

John 6:6 - Jesus asked this only to test them, for He already had in mind what He was going to do.

3.  Give God the resources we have.

Mark 6:41 - Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish.  He blessed the food and broke the loaves and He kept giving them to the disciples to set before the people.

The boy gave what he had, willingly, cheerfully and immediately.

4.  Expect Him to expand it.

Mark 6:42-43 - Everyone ate and had enough.  Afterwards they collected 12 baskets full of leftovers!

Mark 10:27 - All things are possible with God.


1.  Expect us to grow spiritually.

2 Corinthians 8:7 - You are growing in faith, in speaking, in knowledge, in truly wanting to help, and in the love you learned from us.  In the same way, be strong also in the grace of giving.

2.  Expect greater fellowship.

1 Peter 3:8 - You should be like one big happy family.

Acts 2:47 – Enjoying the favor of all people.

3. Expect great worship and celebration.

Psalm 95:2 - Let us come before Him with thanksgiving.

4.  Expect a challenge to sell out to God.

2 Corinthians 8:5 - They first gave themselves unreservedly to God.  Then the other giving simply flowed out of the purposes of God working in their lives.

August 14 2016 Prevailing To The Coming Of Christ



1 Thessalonians

Timothy’s Report
• They were loyal in the persecution.
• They were Doctrinally pure.
• They were concerned.

Five views of Christ’s Second Coming

1. The view of the new Christian.

Chapter 1

Three things about the Church from verse 3

• Their work produced by faith.
• Their labor prompted by love.
• Their enduring hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Three things they did in light of His coming

Verse 9 They turned to God from idols.

• Does the coming of Christ’s second coming change your lifestyle?
• If He were to come today would it change your lifestyle at this very moment?

Verse 9 Began to serve the living God.

• Does the coming of Christ motivate us to begin to find a Ministry that we can do for Him?
• If Jesus were to come today, would He find us doing something profitable for His Kingdom?

Verse 10 They are to wait for God’s Son.

• Are we at peace with ourselves in the midst of the storm that is around us?
• Are we holding steady?

2. The view of the worker in the Church.
Chapter 2

Verse 20 – Indeed you are our glory and joy.

When Jesus comes back, am I going to have any crowns?

3. The view of the Brother.

Chapter 3

Verse 12 – May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as it does for you.

Two aspects of love

• We are to increase in love.
• We are to overflow in love to others.

1 John 4:20 – If anyone says, I love God, yet hates his brother, he is a liar.

• Are your relationships all cleared up?

4. The view of the one who is suffering.

Chapter 4

Verse 14 – We believe Jesus died and rose again and so believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.

5. How the Christian is to conduct himself.

Chapter 5

Verse 1 Exact time not important.

Verse 2 Coming will be a surprise.

Verse 3 No escape from the event.
Verse 4 & 5 Don’t be surprised.

Verse 6-8 Be alert, sober, prepared.

Verse 9 Be our final salvation.

Verse 10 No Christian left behind.

Verse 11 Encourage one another.

Verse 12 & 13 Respect the Spiritual leaders.

Verse 14 Meet the needs of the body.

Final Instruction

August 7 2016 Prevailing In Personal Relationships

Prevailing In Personal Relationships

Romans 12:14-21

Six Ways to Win in Personal Relationships

1. Return good for evil.

Romans 12:14 – Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.

Matthew 5:44 – Jesus said, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Two Examples:

  • Jesus
  • Stephen

2. Identify with others.

Romans 12:15 – Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.

3. Be open minded to others.

Romans 12:16 – Live in harmony with one another.  Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.  Do not be conceited.

4. Treat others with respect.

Romans 12:17 – Do not repay anyone evil for evil.

5. Do all you can to keep the peace.

Romans 12:18 – If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Two Qualifications

  • If it is possible
  • As far

6. Remove revenge from our life.

Romans 12:19-21 – Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: It is Mine to avenge, I will repay, says the Lord.  On the contrary if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.  In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Three Reasons

  • It’s the Lord’s task.
  • May move that person to Christ.
  • Vengeance means we are conquered by evil.